Diana Bryl
This girl is on fire!
Actually, she’s putting them out! Diana Bryl is a current firefighter and paramedic, as she has been for the past 20 years in the Northwest Suburbs. A diligent worker with knowledge of building construction who studied fine arts and design in college, Bryl is excited to put her expertise in other areas to good use in real estate. A longtime resident of the Southwest Suburbs and current city dweller, Diana is hard-working and detail oriented in all she does.
When not selling or saving buildings and people, Diana is an avid traveler, cyclist, and even a certified yoga instructor! Diana believes that when you love what you do, you never ‘work’ a day in your life and lives the Steve Jobs quote, “the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” You’ve trusted her to serve and protect your community for twenty years, now trust her with all your real estate needs.
“I’m excited to watch Diana translate her many talents to real estate. She already fits in wonderfully with our office and she has an amazing second career ahead of her!,” boasts James Ludes, Designated Managing Broker. Lori Bonarek, Broker/owner, added, ““Diana has a truly unique skill set, off the charts energy and passion for everything she does. We couldn’t have found someone that better embodies what we are about at Lori Bonarek Realty!”